Wishweavers Circle 2020: a Mastermind Experience is beginning! I’m excited for our first meeting with women who’ve recently accomplished such things as opening a new store and writing a one-woman-play.
There are many ways to reach our dreams and define our goals. My friend and colleague, Lisa Marie Platske, has found a unique way to help you take your bold and daring vision for making a bigger difference in the world, and fully using your gifts, talents and experiences into firm possibility this year.
No, it’s not crazy. Lisa knows from experience, as do I, with the right vision and support, anything is possible in 2020.
Lisa has extended a generous special offer because of our connection! How cool is that?
You can find the details here: https://designyourdestinylive.com/SpecialOffer
For just $297 a ticket, you can bring a friend for free; that’s $1697 off the ticket price. If you’re near Manhattan Beach, California (or want to be) the weekend of January 23rd-25th, jump on board to Design Your Destiny with Lisa Marie Platske.
Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!
Love Your Voice and Voice Your Love,
Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)