Find a Weekly Wish-Weaving Partner Part 1

In lieu of an actual wish-weaving circle or master mind group, or perhaps in addition to it, another avenue I have found extremely helpful – as have clients – is to find yourself a weekly wish-weaving partner. I once had the same wish-weaving partner, June, for well over two years. We lived in the same city, yet that is not necessary. You can meet in person, and that isn’t necessary either. June and I lived on opposite ends of town, so phone was the most effective for us. You could even have an e-mail or chat buddy, as long as you know you won’t be interrupted.

We tried a couple of different days and times, and Monday morning at 8:00 am worked best for us. If you have a full time job on top of your dreams, you can simply set your alarm a half hour early on Monday morning and have the call 30 minutes before you need to leave for work. Or choose a lunch hour, evening or weekend time. June and I often talked for 20 minutes, but we would go up to an hour and a half depending on our schedules that particular morning and the depth and breadth of what had occurred in the preceding week. Some of my clients stick to only five minutes, on, say, every Thursday evening.

One of the greatest values you and your weekly WW partner will receive is having someone else to voice your intention to and hold you accountable for your next steps in the six degrees to your dreams. Another is you have someone available every single week to help you see alternative avenues and resources you would not have come up with on your own. Another is you have a regular cheerleader in your corner. The value of a support team, even if it’s only one other person, cannot be overstated. For June and me, our weekly talks were a wonderfully profound and effective experience.

Get a piece of paper and a pen. Make a list of everyone you know who embodies the following qualities:




*Positive Attitude

Now, narrow down your list by determining which of these people have dreams they are ready to work on, while they are helping you with yours. Consider journaling about the people, using the following technique: Either by hand or by using your computer/pad, write a question with your non-dominant hand. The question may be something like, “Is ____ a good person to be my weekly WW partner?” Or “What will ____ and I be able to bring to each other in a weekly WW format?” Then, intuitively, write the answers to the questions with your dominant hand.

If you simply cannot think of a suitable person in your immediate circle to be your weekly WW partner, ask people you trust if they know of anyone who would be interested. Chances are someone knows someone who is. You could also reach out in your favorite on-line forum, on Craig’s List or something similar, or create a flyer to post in your favorite coffee shop or book store.

If you have questions, are interested in the process, or have tried something similar in the past, please post your comments on my blog! I read and treasure every one.

Whenever your old programmed mind automatically says, “I can’t…” or “I should…” pay close attention to what comes afterwards. Whatever your old mind thinks you can’t do is likely precisely what you should. Whatever your old mind thinks you should do is likely precisely what you shouldn’t. –Laura Handke

Authentically Yours,
