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Simply Authentic...your soul voice is calling. Oprah with Caroline Myss

Writer: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

Oprah’s Interview With Caroline Myss Just a few weeks after my blog post on archetype collage cards I created using Caroline Myss’ SACRED CONTRACTS, along comes this Oprah Winfrey interview in the January, 2013 issue of O Magazine. Caroline just released a new book: ARCHETYPES: WHO ARE YOU?, which I intend to order for my Nook.

Here is a segment of the interview, which I find pertinent to the subject of authenticity.

O: So going back, how do you know for sure that you are on the right path, what dream belongs to you, or what husband or job belongs to you?

C: Here’s your clue. You’re not put in a position where you feel like you have to compromise who you are. O: I got that. It’s like if you’re at a job, and you know you’re really gifted and talented, but you come in to work every day feeling ‘I’m really not valued OR I’m not being respected for what I do.’ C: That’s right. O: So when you have more respect for yourself and put yourself in a position where you feel your sense of value or worth, that’s how you know you’re on the right path. C: You know an action is the correct one for you because you don’t think, ‘This is costing me my power.’ I can be tired after a day’s work at the right job, but I’m not psychically drained to where I feel like I’m losing life. O: Or losing myself. Speaking of…I have a lot of married friends, and over the years I’ve interviewed a lot of people who are married. Everybody talks about how relationships are so much work. What is the difference between betraying yourself and compromising because that’s what you have to do to get along? C: A compromise is done willingly and out of love. You don’t go away thinking, ‘I betrayed myself.’

O: It goes back to what you said earlier: Every choice is either going to enhance or drain your spirit…I think there’s nothing worse than betraying yourself. I am so happy to say that my current job, while stressful at times, does make me feel valued and respected. As does my relationship! Just something to think about, for all of us… Authentically Yours, Laura


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